To collaborate for the formation of reflexive critical subjects in the different knowledge levels (technicians, graduate and postgraduates), capable of accomplishing the development of educational, scientific, economical, political and cultural levels in a maintainable way in communities of low income.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Students supported by partnership between PRECE and Compassion, are approved in the first phase of tests for the Federal State University.

              This past July, a partnership between Compassion, a non denominational, non-governmental organization, which its main goal is to release children from poverty all around the world, was firmed with PRECE. The main objective of the partnership was the preparation of a group of students selected from and supported by Compassion’s Church partners, for the 2010 Federal University entrance exam, so called: vestibular. A new class was formed using the Cooperative Learning methodology.

               After 3 months of preparation, from 31 students who were registered for the 2010 vestibular, ten were approved in the first phase and are still preparing for the second phase of tests. These are the names of the ones approved: Daniel Ferreira da Silva – Portuguese was the major of choice; Douglas Oliveira do Nascimento – Music Major; Edilene Gomes Sousa -  Science Major; Kátia Silva Aragão – Food Engineering Major; Rafaele Silva dos Santos – Portuguese Major; Taiane Maia Pereira – Library Studies Major; Antonio Tarcísio Rosalino Filho – Geology Major; Talita Nunes Pinheiro – Education Major; Valdenia B. da Silva –Education Major .

                The classes are being ministered in the dependencies of the Student Heart Institute, Juvenal Galeno St # 403, Benfica, where more than a hundred students from the different rural areas attended by PRECE are being preparated for the second phase of the tests.

 Translated by Mauricio Oliveira

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